Transforming Art Research for Bias-free Sustainable Innovation


This study is a movement towards a future where art research is inherently sustainable, inclusive, and free of biases. We learn to create a paradigm shift in how we approach art and design problems, ensuring that the solutions we develop today lead to a better, more sustainable tomorrow. The study is a critical step in this journey, providing the knowledge, skills, and concepts of research networks needed to turn vision into reality. All are encouraged to align their work with global sustainability goals, thus contributing to the broader aim of supporting global sustainability efforts with scientific creativity principles aligned to brain functions. Also by integrating design principles into strategic decision-making processes during research, businesses can create solutions that not only drive profitability but also contribute to the broader societal goals of sustainability and social responsibility.


Vivian Gomes
Chief Education Officer, Design, SHNORH | Academy of Art, Design and Strategy, California, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


New Media, Technology and the Arts


Art Research,Psychology,Design,Experience,Behavior science