Change the Story - Change the World: Can a Podcast Advance Community Arts Training, Advocacy, and Research?


Our documentary podcast Change the Story /Change the World is a chronicle of art and community transformation across the globe. Since 2020, we have broadcast the stories of over 100 artist/change agents working to re-imagine, and recreate the social, political, and cultural narratives that define their communities. This growing narrative database has provided a new and dynamic resource for training, advocacy, and research work by CSA&C and others in the arts-based community development and social change community. This presentation describes the project’s genesis and engages the audience in its continued development. Topics include: Creating safe space for the sensitive and volatile stories of creative change agents; Crafting an inquiry process that advances learning, innovation, and surprise; Building trust and accountability across distance and difference; Navigating tensions at the crossroads of digital storytelling, narrative inquiry, and public discourse; Dealing with a dynamic digital universe that facilitates miracles, and breaks your heart; Making a story-based reference/learning resource that is interesting, accessible, useful This session has two parts: 1. The genesis described above; 2. A community conversation addressing the following: a.How do you best document process-intensive community-centered arts practice? b. What is the relationship between real-time-process intensive community artmaking and its record? c.How do you map the evolution of cross-sector creative art-making practices and their theories of change? d.How do the moral and ethical dimensions of community-centered social change artmaking reflected in/effected by its documentation?


William Cleveland
Founder/Director, Center for the Study of Art & Community, California, United States


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


The Arts in Social, Political, and Community Life


Narrative Inquiry, Story-Based Research, Digital Storytelling, Arts-Based Community Development, Arts For Social Change, Community Arts Training, Community Arts Advocacy, Community Arts Research, Creative Change Agents, Community Art And Technology, Cross-Sector Collaboration, Ethical Dimensions Of Creative Community Work, Theories Of Change