Indigenous Creative Crafts and Arts of the Dumagats


Struggles and conflicts involving Indigenous Peoples (IPs) in the Philippines are not new, as they belong to a marginalized sector of the community. The Dumagats is one of the ethnic people which belonged to a social, political and cultural groups with ancestry-based connections to the lands and natural resources they occupy or have been displaced from. They frequently face marginalization or romantic portrayals because of their distinctive beliefs and lifestyles, but the majority of them actually live in abject poverty and are frequently outside the scope of government assistance because they are nomads. Qualitative research method was applied using Document Analysis Method. The study was conducted to improve the indigenous creative crafts and economic condition of the Dumagats and provide them with the entrepreneurial skills that they need to become productive citizens of the country. These objectives prompted the researcher to determine what sustainable entrepreneurial development program might be recommended in order to utilize the community’s abilities and resources to empower them as contributors to economic growth.


Romero Quennie Rose
Faculty, Philosophy and Humanities, Bulacan State University, Bulacan, Philippines


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2024 Special Focus—-Art for Sustenance