Cantonese Collectors in Shanghai (1870-1950): A Case Study of Late Qing Official Pei Jingfu's Art Collection Activities


This research explores the fascinating history of Cantonese art collection from 1870 to 1950, a period of significant cultural evolution. Many Cantonese officials and businessmen, seeking new opportunities, found themselves in the vibrant city of Shanghai during this era. One such individual was Pei Jingfu, who greatly influenced Shanghai’s flourishing art scene. The escalating art prices and the growing fame of Wu Changshuo from the Shanghai School were largely due to Pei’s substantial investments and increasing interest. Therefore, it can be inferred that Wu’s unique style, which is widely acclaimed today, was significantly nurtured and shaped by Pei’s momentum. The proposed presentation aims to delve into the intricate relationship between the formation of Wu Changshuo’s painting style and Cantonese collector Pei Jingfu. It will investigate the reciprocal influence between art collectors and artists, emphasizing the crucial role this relationship played in the wider art and cultural scene. Additionally, the paper offers a historical overview, tracing the evolution of this relationship and examining key figures and events that had significant roles. Through this, we aim to provide an all-encompassing understanding of the subject matter.


Ni Na Camellia Ng
Student, Doctoral, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Arts Histories and Theories


Chinese art history, Cantonese collectors, Shanghai artists, Late 19th Century