Crafting a Research Strategy for Sustainability and the Arts in Canada


The science of climate change presents humanity with a staggering and multi-dimensional challenge for survival, yet biophysical solutions are often impeded by social, cultural, and political realities. This brings into focus the reality that climate change is not simply a biophysical challenge, but a cultural crisis. There is increasing participation from the arts in climate action, and a growing recognition of the transformative power the arts can bring to this issue. That said, existing research on this topic is disparate and challenging to locate, presenting a challenge to scholars pursuing further study in the area. To ensure researchers in this space can contribute meaningful and timely work, cohesiveness and communication have been identified as key to moving forward in the above context. This research engages in a critical analysis of Sustainability and the Arts (SATA) research to date, identifying barriers and challenges that prevent research and practice in the field, and collaboratively developing a set of research priorities for future SATA scholarship. The arts can be a key factor in achieving cultural change toward a sustainable future, but to date there has been very little scholarly research regarding how the arts can contribute to the cultural change needed on a societal level. This research will help to provide insights into the role that the arts can play in transitioning our culture and society to a more sustainable future. Further, this represents the first known collaborative study with SATA researchers in Canada and will further understanding of the field.


Emma Bugg
Student, Interdisciplinary PhD, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Arts in Social, Political, and Community Life


The Arts, Sustainability, Climate Art, Delphi Study, Research Strategy, Sustainability