Puy du Fou's Transtemporal Performativity: Embodied Heritage Practices between Participative Alienation and Artistic Emancipation


This paper delves into the artistic practice of reenactments, specifically exploring the cultural model employed by Puy du Fou, a company operating European theme parks in France and Spain. This study investigates the multifaceted nature of reenactments as a medium for artistic research and raises thought-provoking questions about their political implications. Embedded within the concept of “softcore historicity,” which intertwines affective performative heritage practices with the validation of hegemonic discourses, lies a fascinating realm of exploration. How do reenactments, as an artistic medium, navigate the intricate relationship between past narratives and contemporary political contexts? How does the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on physical gatherings accentuate the significance of embodied and performative representations of history within artistic domains? Participatory artistic reconstructions, offer a unique lens through which to validate constructed historical narratives as authentic experiences. They blur the boundaries between representation and reality, immersing participants in the physicality of historical events. But as reenactments gain popularity and become commodified, how do we navigate the fine line between artistic expression and political instrumentalization? Puy du Fou, with its immersive experiences and politically instrumentalized approach to history as entertainment, stands as a prominent case study for exploring the artistic potential and pitfalls of historical immersion. How do reenactments shape and are shaped by social and political contexts? By uncovering the complex interplay between reenactments as artistic practice and their socio-political dimensions. It invites further reflection on the transformative power of reenactments, the ethics of their commodification, and their role in shaping social narratives.


Pablo Santacana López
PhD Candidate, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism, Fachhochschule Erfurt, Berlin, Germany


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Arts in Social, Political, and Community Life


Reenactment, Politics, Performance, Heritage, Transtemporality