Home: An Artistic Journey into Memory and Belonging


This research delves into the intricate and evolving nature of home, utilizing fragmented memories and personal objects to reconstruct and redefine the concept. By exploring the interplay between time, nostalgia, and identity, the art installation becomes a physical representation of the relationship between self, memory, and significant objects. It aims to create a space for reflection, inviting individuals to delve into the depths of their emotions, fostering a renewed sense of belonging and offering a rewarding journey of self-discovery. The artwork involved overcoming lighting limitations and collaborating with others to address scanning imperfections. The integration of augmented reality (AR) enhanced the immersive experience, triggering AR effects through target tracking and connecting specific items with a handwritten letter. The incorporation of sound, along with additional sensory elements and interactive guides, created a comprehensive and engaging experience for viewers. Overall, the artist employed lighting adjustments, effective communication, and the integration of AR technology to overcome challenges and create a rich and immersive artistic experience. The artwork “Home” holds significance for international students, providing emotional solace and enabling reconnection with their roots and cultural heritage. It aims to foster a sense of belonging, inspire self-discovery, and empower individuals to create spaces that nurture their cultural identity. Through its impact on the audience and society, “Home” offers comfort and strength to those away from their families and homeland, promoting emotional well-being and cultural appreciation.


Daichen Wang
Student, Master of Fine Art, Pratt Instiitute, New York, United States


Presentation Type

Poster Session


New Media, Technology and the Arts


Interactive Installation, Augmented Reality, Digital Art