The Time that Remains. Barrio El Aguilucho, an Interactive Documentary - Creating an Experience of Time, Place and Local Participation within an Elderly Community: Communicating from Proximity, Memory, Imagination and the Uncertainties of a Possible Life


The Time that Remains. Barrio El Aguilucho ( is a documentary project that explores the power of digital interactive technology, mix media (photo collage, photo portraits, video, navigation tools) and local participation, to propose an experience of proximity with a neighborhood in Santiago, Chile. In El Aguilucho street, multiple journeys of neighbors converge, between walks, meetings, and conversations. Ways of living and feeling time and place in an elderly community in which remembering, thinking collectively or imagining, modulate the future and the uncertainties of a possible life. The documentary invites the user to interact during a day -morning, afternoon and night- with the place, its residents and the natural environment, through narrative and sensory content. Over five years, the project explores modes of collaborative research and production with more than 90 participants of El Aguilucho neighborhood and its social organizations, from which emerge perspectives, aims and dilemmas of its residents. A community of working class origin, established in the 1930´s in the district of Providencia, which did not undergo economic growth as its surroundings. Resident´s monthly pensions are approximately US $170, about forty percent of the minimum Chilean wage. We present the findings of the research and creative process of The Time that Remains. Barrio el Aguilucho, in order to discuss on the potentials of documentary representation, interactivity and multimedia as means of community expression and participation from proximity, raising questions about engagement, social experience, and the arts.


Susana Foxley
Scholar, Film and TV Department - Coordinator UC Film Archive, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Región Metropolitana de Santiago, Chile


Presentation Type

Creative Practice Showcase


The Arts in Social, Political, and Community Life


Documentary, Interactivity, Participation, Community