The Filipino Overseas Performing Artists Onboard International Cruise Ships: A Peek on the Perks, Perplexities, and Perils Amidst Performing in the Middle of the Sea


The Philippines has a great deal to present by way of its cultural lexeis and Filipinos have endeavored enormous contributions to the world on stage. Performing artists bring honor to the country when officially presented to our foreign associates or impresarios in their countries. Several Filipino artists have performed efficiently in promoting the Philippines such as dance troupes, art exhibitors, and musical performers, part of these artists are the so-called Filipino Overseas Performing Artists (OPAs) who work abroad in different venues from theaters, hotels, and theme parks, and other performance venues. Cruise Tourism is becoming an increasingly popular ‘leisure choice’ worldwide. The global cruise industry generates an estimated $38 billion a year in passenger expenditure and is the fastest-growing sector of the tourism industry (Coggins, 2019). This study examines the working status of Filipino Overseas Performing Artists (OPAs) employed on-board cruise ships and how they can provide cognitive content in the curriculum development for the Bachelor of Performing Arts degree at the Asian Institute of Maritime Studies (AIMS), particularly in preparation for graduates on how to gear up for a stint in entertainment onboard. Working conditions are an important aspect to consider regarding work experiences on board a ship.


Robert Frederick Jr. Hayden
Dean, School of Heritage Education, Asian Institute of Maritime Studies, Philippines


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Pedagogies of the Arts


Performing artist, Cruise, Overseas, FIlipino