Representation of Feminism in Indian Performing Arts and Theatre: A Perspective Study on the Portrayal of NAYIKA lakshanas in the Prehistoric Scriptures of India


‘Feminism’ – a lot of questions arise in my mind as soon as I hear this word. Do we still need to discuss feminism in the 21st century? Would this be a never ending discussion in the Indian societal structure? Will this ever end? Well, my ideology elucidates that if we are discussing this today, probably it is still ‘the problem area’. A lot of Indian population (including women) hate everything allied to Feminism – protests, activists, reformers… as they do not see the need for this mutiny. Most of our grandmothers and mothers were very happy with the place the Indian society has given them why can’t we continue to be the same? We all come from families where we are loved, provided and protected what ‘else’ do we ever need as women? For people who come up with regular answers like independence and freedom, is what we need. So if we are educated and working, can we be considered content? What ‘extra’ did we always need? Well, if we do not have an answer it’s high time we think about it.


Soundarya Maddali
Director, Performing Arts, Natya Mayura, Andhra Pradesh, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—-New Aesthetic Expressions: The Social Role of Art


Performing Arts, Indian Classical Arts, Literature, Feminism, Art history, Theatre