Beyond Traditional Roles: Analyzing the Dynamics of Students, Researchers, and Teachers in Industrial Design Education


The conventional responsibilities of students, researchers, and teachers are being questioned and transformed within the setting of fine arts faculties as industrial design education continues to evolve. To understand the effects of these changes on the educational experience, this research explores the dynamics of these roles by looking at each stakeholder’s expectations, duties, and interactions. This study aims to thoroughly understand the complex relationships among these critical players in industrial design education by combining qualitative and quantitative research methods, including qualitative interviews, case studies from the literature, and a review of recent literature. The results highlight new teaching paradigms being adopted, increasing tendencies in multidisciplinary collaboration, and evolving roles and responsibilities within the fine arts context. These observations add to the continuing discussion about how industrial design education will develop and provide suggestions for building a supportive and welcoming learning environment. This study also identifies possible research directions, encouraging further study and advancement in the quickly developing subject of industrial design education at faculties of fine arts.


Hatice Merve Demirci
Lecturer, Industrial Design, Atilim University, Turkey


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Pedagogies of the Arts


Industrial Design Education, Pedagogical Approaches, Shifting Boundaries, Educational Experience