Art, Space, Material: A Study on Art Installations Made with Sustainable and Recycled Medium and Materials by Indian Artists


Over past few decades, art has developed new perspectives; contemporaries are not bound to use paper and canvas, wall or any other art surfaces. The undeniable fact in public art installations is that medium and materials act like a message that gives way to interaction and participation which not only allows the artist to new challenges in their cognitive process but also allows the artist to involve the participants in this process. In this period of heightened awareness of our environment, artists are increasingly turning to junkyards, and trash boxes to fulfill their urge to create artworks, whilst still being concerned for our planet. For the past few years, artists have seen innovative possibilities in cast-offs. In India we have seen artists like Mr. Chetan Raut, a world record holder; who created artworks using 4500 audio cassettes, e-waste like 75000 CDs, and 87000 keyboard buttons to create portraits of famous personalities like Mr. Narendra Modi, Shivaji Maharaj, and Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam. Dr. Subodh Kerkar, founder of the Museum of Goa (MoG); created Carpet of Joy has flowers made out of 1,50,000 discarded plastic bottles raising awareness against the idea of a litter-free Goa. The research paper focuses on the installation work of Mr. Chetan Raut and Dr. Subodh Kerkar. The study investigates the methods and materials used for the conceptualization of their artworks. The choice of artist is based on their reputation and popularity. The methodology is analytical.


Manpreet Kushwaha
Assistant Professor, Fashion and Lifestyle Accessories, NIFT, Andhra Pradesh, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2023 Special Focus—-New Aesthetic Expressions: The Social Role of Art


Installation Artwork, Sculpture, Junk Art, Scrap, Eco-friendly, Environment-friendly, Innovative, Conceptualization