Art For Futures Lab: Co-creating Positive Futures


The Art For Futures Lab brings different actors together to work on the challenges of the 21st century in an interdisciplinary and often intergenerational way. In the co-creation workshops, visions and strategies for probable and desirable futures are developed. The Art For Futures Lab spreads knowledge about social and technological innovations as well as sustainable practices and lifestyles. This participatory project aims to turn dialogue into a collective imagination and empower its participants to act. The AFFL workshop format uses modified methods based on world building, design thinking, regnosis and future prototyping, which invites civil society in particular to help shape future visions and identify solution opportunities. Based on extensively researched archives that convey knowledge about already existing solutions in the context of sustainability, inspiration for characters and places is offered in the respective scientifically relevant context. Scenarios and artistic scenes for the year 2050 are developed using a storytelling approach. There have been numerous collaborations with academic and scientific institutions, companies, cultural institutions, museums and festivals for more than 60 workshops since 2020. Based on the co-created narratives about positive futures, animations, concept arts, augmented reality works, sound compositions, and a sustainability festival in the Potsdam Film Museum were realized. The AFFL is a collaboration between the Institute for Art and Innovation and Film University Babelsberg. It was co-founded by Nicole Loeser (IFAI) and Prof. Angelica Böhm (FUB).


Nicole Loeser
Director, Institute for Art and Innovation, Berlin, Germany


Presentation Type

Creative Practice Showcase


The Arts in Social, Political, and Community Life


Participation, Knowledge aggregation, Futures literacy, Interdisciplinary, Transdiscipilinary, Art-based innovation