Model of Public Arts Support under Public Value Management: Case Study of Australia


This study examines how model of public support for arts in Australia is impacted by changes of political landscape and public administration model. Influenced by the British tradition, the Australia arts support system displays an early track of patron model, upholding the arm’s length principle and support for excellence and professional standards. The study examines strategic plans and grant programme documents of federal and state arts funding bodies, as well as the newly announced National Cultural Policy in Australia, in order to capture how arts funding model is shaped and evolved. Findings suggest the patron model in Australia is still in place on principle, but in practice, the approach has evolved to show features of the architect model, with arts and culture as instrument for social and national objectives. The granting system is now characterized with heavy presence of funders’ priorities despite the presence of arm’s length assessment. The changing model could be explained by shifting political landscape and influence of Public Value Management (PVM) as public administration approach. PVM has gained popularities in the Australia since 2000s. Through the arts support process, public managers and arts companies are expected to generate value to the public. The study bridges the gap between public administration model and arts funding policy and practices with relevance to post-COVID societal and political changes.


Dorcas Yeung
Student, PhD, Queensland University of Technology, Queensland, Australia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Arts in Social, Political, and Community Life


Arts Funding, Public Arts Support, Funding Policy, Public Value Management