A Bowl For Food: An Artistic Prototype for Social Justice Reform


Art has the ability to transform lives, and this website is an artifact that provides agency to artists and empowers them to be change agents for social justice. This fascinating and valuable project charts the humanitarian struggle of bringing aid to malnourished children and employs art as a vehicle to disseminate knowledge and encourage action in the public sphere. With more than 10 million children suffering from malnutrition in African countries, the vision of this work is to unite artists worldwide and empower them to seek change. This project blends technology, education, and art in an effort to have a large reaching impact on the global community. A gap that exists in research is how the art community can have a unified presence in altering social justice issues on a global scale. As a result, A Bowl for Food was created as a research-based prototype to provide artists a way tackle the humanitarian crisis of malnutrition. This website was constructed after reviewing research in the field, and the resulting artifact should be replicated with other art forms and organizations. Ultimately, this project, embedded in research and with a lens toward social justice, can provide artists the ability to use their work to be change agents and provide knowledge to the general public about the global malnutrition crisis, which will make a difference in the lives of struggling children.


Amy Leshinsky
Assistant Professor, Education Department, Curry College, United States

Marina Caspe
Student, Bachelors of Arts, Roger Williams University, Rhode Island, United States


Presentation Type

Creative Practice Showcase


New Media, Technology and the Arts


Art Education, Social Justice, Technology, Malnutrition, Research Based Best Practice