Responsible Practice of Graffitiing Policies in Bogotá: Using Path Dependence, Policy Layering, and Decentralization to Understand Policy Resilience


The objective of this research is to understand how Bogotá’s policies on graffitiing shifted from a criminalized act to a decriminalized practice and how those policies were implemented across two mayoral administrations. The case study examines two policies, Decree 75 and Decree 529, that decriminalize graffitiing in Bogotá using the theoretical framework of policy path dependence and policy layering coupled with decentralization of power. The study argues that decentralization of power established the ability of Mayor Petro to pass Decree 75 , which created a policy path. Policy layering occurred with the passage of an amendment, Decree 529. Policy path dependence explains why the decrees were resistant to drastic changes under the leadership of Mayor Peñalosa; incremental changes occurred in the institutional structure and implementation of the policies.


Jessica DeShazo
Associate Professor, Public Administration/Department of Political Science, California State University Los Angeles, California, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Arts in Social, Political, and Community Life


Bogota, Graffiti, Public Policy