Facebooking Fostering Archive-based Education: An Exemplification of South Asian Statistics


Facebook is becoming a popular social media in South Asia. It has enormous power and popularity to dominate Social Network Sites (Nadkarni & Hofmann, 2012). It is the highest accessed social media in the South Asian region. Facebook is pioneering to reshape the educational system in many countries. For example, during the Covid-19 Facebook set an example to continue the education in Thailand especially the English learning and disaster awareness (Ulla & Achivar, 2021). South Asia is not a rich zone to invest trillion dollars for its education like the western nations but technology like Facebook can play a vital role to continue the remote education system through its nature of live and archival mood used social media like Facebook. Using wide spreading internet and browsing Facebook through smart phones and gadgets are a new trend in all over the South Asian territories. According to the statistics of Social Networking Site, 91.93% users are using Facebook in Bangladesh (Rana, Ahmed, & Hossain). Considering survey questionnaire (n-500) with uses and gratification theory, the study investigates and draws the educative role of Facebook in South Asian education system by exploring Facebook from the remote areas. All together, it leads the archive based education hub in South Asia for setting a special example.


Md Abdur Razzak
Assistant Professor, Media Studies and Journalism (MSJ), United International University (UIU), Dhaka zila, Bangladesh


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


New Media, Technology and the Arts