Everything around from History to Present: History of Soil


Everything around humans in history to now. As we all know, the human race started from agricultural practices 8000–10,000 years ago in Nile Valley in Egypt and Indus Valley in India. In India, during the third to second centuries BC, farmers were located near the areas with fertile regur soils. In this poster, we have presented critical points regarding soils in ancient, medieval, and recent eras. In addition, pre- and post-independence periods have been presented to soil research, including pedology and edaphology. The information provided here opens a gate for learners interested in soils and history.


Abhishek Abhishek
Student, School of Art and History, Desh Bhagat University, Mandi Gobindgarh, Punjab, India


Presentation Type

Poster Session


Arts Histories and Theories


Soil Human race farmer Nile Valley