Art as Protection Against Suffering and Illness: Experience of Using Active Methodologies with Young People In Brazil


Art has proven to be a way of facing reality that is increasingly harsh and unfair. In Brazil, Paulo Freire, an important pedagogue, spoke of the importance of beauty and delicacy as metaphors for aesthetics and ethics, highlighting their importance in his texts. For him, it was important to write beautifully but without losing ethical and scientific rigor, as there is no antagonism between writing rigorously and writing beautifully. I have been emphasizing that the pursuit of beauty in text production is not just the task of word artists, but of everyone and everyone we write. Education needs art, otherwise it runs the risk of reiterating the much criticized banking education in which students are just receivers, deposits of information and content with no connection to reality and without active and sensitive participation. This summary addresses a doctoral thesis carried out with young people from a technical school in which the use of participatory methodologies and in particular art allowed the manifestation of anxieties, fears and dreams and the expression of the stigmas and prejudices suffered and that generate the suffering and processes of illness.


Maria Isabel Barros Bellini
Professor, Social Work, Sociology and Political Science, Pontifical Catholic University - School of Public Health, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Pedagogies of the Arts


Art, Young People, Participatory Methodologies, Suffering, Illness