Application of Theories for a Case Study in Rom Theatre: Semiotics, Ritual, and Stable-malleable Dynamic


Theory is available for leveraging in the analysis of artistic expression cases. While ethno arts contains many inherent theoretical concepts and paradigms, many preceding and concurrent ideologies can further enrich World Arts endeavors. Though there is starch difference between the large scope of disciplines and the specificity of theories, in the context of this case study theory and discipline mesh. Three theories are under application in the case study. They are semiotics, ritual and social drama, and stable and malleable. Semiotics hails from the disciple of philosophy, ritual and social drama comes from anthropology, and stable and malleable originates from within World Arts. The people of the case study are, in the broad sense, the Romani people group. As a historically persecuted group, they and their arts have passed through many turbulent times. One of their artistic expressions is Rom Theatre, which will be the genre from which the case study originates. It is a formalization and hybridization of other older forms. In the genre of Rom Theatre, there are many excellent examples of Romani artistic expression. However, the case study will focus on a famous play known in English as Our Big Land. This case study focuses on the version of the play performed in the United Kingdom (UK) by The Romany Theatre Company and New Wolsey Theatre.


Nabhira Mascorro
Student, Ph.D World Arts, Dallas International University, Missouri, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Arts in Social, Political, and Community Life


Drama, Theater, Community, Minority, Romani, Theory, Application, Politics, Discrimination, Multidisciplinary