Pandemic and Quarantine - the Shakespearean Intertextual Play “Shortly to Go” by Ilias Konteas and Dimitrios Stasinopoulos


In July 2020 the Brussels Shakespeare Society announced a playwriting competition, where content had to be in the English language and related to Shakespeare. The winners were Ilias Κonteas and Dimitrios Stasinopoulos with their play “Shortly to go” and they will present the play to the following FEATS (Festival of Anglophone Theater Societies, Luxembourg, in May 2022). It is a meta-existential intertextual play in two different dramatic times of action a) the time of King Lear’s writing and, b) the modern pandemic age; and their common denominator is the quarantine. A Shakespearean mosaic of textuality is formed where historical dilemmas (New Historicism) emerge and function as a prism through which our time is re-examined. In this way the complex picture of the present can be understood (Agamben 54). Shakespeare is always our contemporary (Elsom 12) and this Shakespeare’s critical reception is resilient but constantly needs to be updated. This paper explores these concepts of this unpublished, award-winning play.


Katerina Diakoumopoulou
Assistant Professor, Department of Theatre Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Attiki, Greece


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Arts in Social, Political, and Community Life


Theatre of Greek Diaspora, Diasporic Studies, Covid 19 and drama