The East Boston Spatial Justice Lab: Designing Change through Participatory Design and Narrative Change


My research consists of a theoretical and historical framing of Wicked Problems, Entanglements, Socio-Legal Systems, Radical Imagination, and Trauma-Informed Design. Design as a field discipline is continuously evolving, and so are the collective methods, tools, and techniques that constitute it. Connecting Design to law highlights the inherent power of Design to transform the systems and institutions around us. I present some early findings on a project known as the East Boston Spatial Justice Lab. This project has a research plan that aims to understand how art and cultural organizing in East Boston works in combination with legal systems and legal advocacy to impact a sense of belonging, community well-being, and subsequent policy change.


Jules Rochielle Sievert
Student, Interdisciplinary PhD Program, College of Art Media and Design, Massachusetts, United States


Presentation Type

Creative Practice Showcase


The Arts in Social, Political, and Community Life


Spatial Justice, Equity, Power of Narrative, Participatory Design