About the Elephant in the Room: Making the Problems of Confidence and Resilience the Focus in Art Classrooms


The art classroom is often described as a space to develop skills and artistic style, but how can Art Educators prepare our students for the problems they will face outside school? And, how can we develop course content that responds to the contexts in which students are making and creating? The STAC (Shortcuts for Teachers Artist Collective) is an artist-teacher-researcher collective that centers problems in its pedagogical methods to instill collective art creation, support and perseverance in classroom communities. Building on common and contemporary problems seen in the artistic and social circles of the geographic places where learning takes place, this collective has used this basis of teaching in Universities, Colleges, High Schools and Community Art spaces across Canada. In this paper, we argue that every student who has the drive to enroll in an art class has the capacity to make exciting works of art, but the problems students encounter are often ones that are beyond the skills needed in any specific medium of making. As such, we narrow in on how we have taken on individually and collectively the problems of student resilience, perseverance and confidence, which we found are at the core of many of the issues our students face. We describe our developed philosophy as educators, and walk through our developed frameworks for lesson building that centers these concerns, considering examples from our multiple teaching practices.


Breanna Shanahan
Faculty Member, Visual and Creative Arts, Sheridan College, Ontario, Canada

Nancy Long
Student, PhD Candidate, Concordia University, Quebec, Canada

David Le Rue
Student, PhD Art Education, Concordia University, Quebec, Canada


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Pedagogies of the Arts


Art Education, Problem-based teaching, Resilience, Confidence, Pedagogical Research, Pedagogical Methods