Is this Real? You Could Have Fooled Me: Sparking Creativity and Cross-disciplinary Thinking through Provocative Performance-based Learning for Students


Thinking about creativity as a necessity and essential skill for students to drive innovation needs and organizational strategies to success is a ubiquitous question. But how to surprise and gain alertness in classrooms in times of infinite creative output available? What could we learn from performance art or art history here? This showcase provides insights on three variant cases, where an experimental, fictive and provocative multi-layered fake was staged, intertwined with course contents, and later discussed with puzzled students. Creating such situations in classrooms that are unusual, contrary, funny, poetic, inspiring, and provocative might derive from performance art and, possibly, art fakes in art history. Eventually, this could challenge participants or students to the max and leaves them with an enhanced view of creative action, world-shaping, or new ideas of self-efficacy.


Thomas W. Richter
Lecturer, Media and Design, UdK Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Breidenich Christof
Student, Head of Study Programme Design, Macromedia University of Applied Scienes, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany


Presentation Type

Creative Practice Showcase


Pedagogies of the Arts


Teaching, Art-based-learning, Performance-based learning, Creativity, Experiment, Art Fakes