The Future Wales Fellowship: How Leveraging Art Can Demonstrate the Impacts of Climate Change on Everyday Life


In Wales the Well-being of Future Generations Act (2015) recognizes that cultural capital is an asset and aims for a society that promotes and protects culture. At the time of writing, the author understands Wales is the only country in the world with legislation requiring public bodies such as local authorities and health boards. This puts long-term sustainability at the forefront of their thinking and to work together with the public enhancing wellbeing. One of the seven wellbeing goals for the Act is “a Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language” (Cymru., et al., 2020). Technology and “arts play a key role in fulfilling goals and also contribute to a globally responsible Wales, Resilient and prosperous more equal Wales of cohesive communities” (Cymru., et, al. 2020). One example is ‘The Future Wales Fellowship’, an opportunity leveraging art to demonstrate climate change impacts on everyday life. Fellows are given opportunities to develop artistic and technological works, challenging people’s perception of climate change, encouraging people to live more sustainable lifestyles. Fellowships explore the impact(s) of climate change on the people of Wales focusing on the three main themes of Energy, Food and Transport (Dylan, et, al., 2020). The study shows how mapping art projects builds opportunities for ‘citizenship’ by creating catalysts and legacies.


Alec Shepley
Professor of Art & Society / Associate Dean for Research, Faculty of Arts, Science and Technology, Wrexham University, Wrexham [Wrecsam GB-WRC], United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Creative Practice Showcase


2023 Special Focus—-New Aesthetic Expressions: The Social Role of Art