Nationalism, Populism, and Critical Literacy: Writing a National-Identity Memoir


Most of us developed a sense of national self before our critical faculties were fully developed. While right-wing populist movements depend on convictions of nationhood that are embedded in affect, liberatory education holds out promise for evaluating as-yet unexplored attitudes towards nation–and perhaps most importantly those that were formed in youth. This essay sketches how the author was influenced to conceive of herself as a national subject, considers how nationalism and populism influence educational systems around the world, and offers a tool for guiding students in the development of an affirmational counterpolitics.


Anne Richards
Professor, English, Kennesaw State University, Georgia, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Pedagogies of the Arts


Nationalism, Populism, Critical Literacy, Nationalism Autobiography, Nationalism Memoir