Understanding Artistry through Arts-based Methods


This paper reports on a study to investigate the increase of arts-based and practice-based research methodologies by performing arts educators pursuing graduate study at a performing arts higher education provider. The interest in these methodologies appears to directly relate to the experience of the arts educator, who is reflecting on their theory and practice as an experienced artist. In the focus group, these educators have more than 15 years professional industry experience as a musician, performer or artist and are seeking to further understand their creative process and their artistry. Arts –based in particular can provide the opportunity for the artist to combine all the elements of their practice. The opportunity to explore their creative practice allows for important self-reflection and provides pathways for further understanding of their artistic process. An initial survey with a small group of educators/graduate students was conducted. A case study approach followed consisting of a focus interview with one of the respondents, which provided further reflections on utilising an Arts-based approach for a masters level thesis. The findings suggest that an arts-based approach provides opportunities for the voices of the participants in the research project “to be heard” allowing for an authentic narrative representation.


Danielle Eden
Researcher, Business School - Co Design, University of Sydney, Australia

Robyn Gibson
Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Sydney


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Pedagogies of the Arts


Artistry; Arts-based; Creative practice; Graduate Studies