Hybrid Cross-cultural Theatre: The Greek Theatre in Luxembourg


Theatriki Etaireia Luxembourg (THEL) is the Greek Theatre Society of Luxembourg, which was established at the end of 1987 as a member of the Cultural Circle of the European Institutions in Luxembourg. Since its creation, the Greek Theatre Society has presented around thirty plays in Luxembourg and Brussels. These were plays both by Greek authors and non-Greek authors (Shakespeare, Chekhov, Molière, Goldoni, Gogol, Ionesco, Feydeau, Vitrac, Cossa, Hachfeld, Ensler), as well as puppet shows, shadow plays, children’s plays, and musical shows. The performances are intended not only for the Greek-speaking but also for the non-Greek-speaking audience, thanks to subtitles. The paper examines the new hybrid form of theatre developed in Luxembourg in recent decades. Different theatrical traditions converse with each other and form a unique theatrical amalgam. The repertoire, the directors, the actors, the other actors, the performances, the composition of the audience, the reception of the critique are the elements that compose the limits and the conceptual framework of the hybrid theatrical phenomenon. The example of the Greek Theatre in Luxembourg is a limited local theatrical environment that, however, is representative and reflects world cultural exchanges. Regardless of the different cross-cultural theories, multicultural and intercultural theatre, are the points where cultures intersect and the cultural identities are being hybridized.


Katerina Diakoumopoulou
Assistant Professor, Department of Theatre Studies, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Attiki, Greece


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus - Voices from the Edge: Negotiating the Local in the Global


Greek Theatre, Hybrid theatre, Cultural exchanges, Cross-cultural theories, Multicultural