The Future of Cultural Olympiads in a Post-pandemic World


The Cultural Olympiad traditionally is a series of cultural events in the four years leading up to an Olympic Games. This paper reviews previous Olympic Cultural Olympiads and assesses elements of their impact on the creative sectors in host cities and countries. It traces the history of the Olympiad and the connections it creates across arts and sports and proposes how a reimagined approach is timely. Methods proposed include utilising aspects of the digital innovation for participation and engagement in sports, arts and culture sectors developed over the past year specifically and suggests that such innovations could promote a globalised distributed technology enhanced future Cultural Olympiad.


Lisa Stansbie
Dean Leeds School of Arts, Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


2021 Special Focus - Voices from the Edge: Negotiating the Local in the Global


Cultural Olympiad, Olympics, Arts, Sport, Culture, Technology, Pandemic