Mooncalf: 'Unclean' Meat


The calamitous warnings of climate science have been latched onto by a growing roster of biotech start-up companies who propose to invent lab-grown meat alternatives to the ecologically disastrous livestock industry. They use solutionist hype to promote ‘sustainable,’, ‘eco-friendly,’ ‘cruelty-free,’ ‘clean meat’. This moralized marketing, however, masks a continued reliance on animal agriculture. The fact remains that mammalian cells and tissues are grown in vitro using fetal calf serum, a blood-derived nutrient. Is it really possible to grow meat without banking on the bodies of nonhuman others? Might there be more tasteful material? In Bioart Kitchen: Art, Feminism and Technoscience, Lindsay Kelley asks, ‘What do new technologies taste like?’ The work I will present proposes one answer to her prompt, centred on a technofeminist contextualization of the research-creation project, Mooncalf (2019-). Mooncalf is a series of wet lab experiments and artistic outputs that showcase the potential viability of human menstrual serum for culturing mammalian tissue. These experiments present a direct provocation that problematizes the cellular agriculture industry as it pertains to the production of ‘clean meat’ and instead works towards a proof-of-concept ‘unclean’ meat prototype. Mooncalf is a symbolic precursor or speculative promise meant to facilitate a cultural taste for feminist biotechnologies.


WhiteFeather Hunter
Student, PhD, The University of Western Australia, Western Australia, Australia


Presentation Type

Creative Practice Showcase


New Media, Technology and the Arts


Menstruation, Feminism, Biotechnology, In Vitro Meat, Taboo, Blood, Bioart, Technofeminism