Field Recording and Speculative Sound Design for Urban Environments


Sound plays a significant role in the experience and the design of material, virtual and living environments. This research investigates speculative sound design as a method to explore relationships between human, more-than-human and climate agency in future cities. By merging an ecological and immersive approach to field recording with narratives of climate fiction, this study presents a series of practical explorations that transform existing soundscapes as a means to navigate from real to virtual versions of living environments and propose imaginary ones. The practical explorations move beyond the manipulation of individual sound sources to designing sonic fictions of ecosystems that are situated across several temporalities, locations and climate conditions. Treating sound in this way can provide with representations of larger temporal and spatial scale that enable new connections between different landscapes and ecosystems. The relationship between field recording and fictional scenarios allows us to consider the role of sound in the many facets of the world and modify our perception of reality. This study suggests that speculating in sound promotes a radical questioning about our actions and our integration into the world through listening.


Eleni-Ira Panourgia
Teaching and Research Fellow in Art/Sound, Department of Letters, Arts, Creation, Technologies, LISAA Research Lab, Gustave Eiffel University, France

Guillaume Dupetit
Lecturer, Music and Audio Engineering, University Gustave Eiffel, Seine-et-Marne, France


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


New Media, Technology and the Arts


Sonic fictions, Sound art, Soundscape, Immersive listening, Urbanism, Cli-fi