Representation of the Local and Global Community in the Works of Hayao Miyazaki


The aim of this paper is to analyze and discuss the visual choices in Hayao Miyazaki’s movies, that reflect the Japanese cultural identity as well as the international one. We see this universalization in his world designs, characters designs, and choice of stories. This is what makes his movies connect with a global audience, without disconnecting with the local one. We will be studying two forms of Miyazaki globalization: Movies with national symbolism and how they connected with the world community, and international story-based Miyazaki movies that succeeded in associating with the Japanese community.


Ghita Ait Ben Salh
Student, PhD, World University of Design, Haryana, India


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Arts in Social, Political, and Community Life


Animation, Identity, Community, Cinema