Theatre and Cities: Different Perspectives and Subjectivism


This paper analyzes the relationship between urban spaces and theatre, combining the aesthetics and sociological perspectives. The interest of social sciences in arts is related to its potentials of social representations, complex relationships, subjectivism, and building and communicating knowledge to scape the dominant positivism and epistemologies. From examples of Brazil, the research presents the main transformation and opportunities faced by the urban theatres and the main challenges that jeopardize their own existence, access, and public appreciation. Then, it collects different perspectives to show how important the theatre associated with urban spaces can be to sociological studies, whether they assume the role of scenic spaces, cultural equipment, places that promote exchanges, collectivities, subjectivities, and abstractions promoting the aesthetics and humanities concomitantly. I hope to confirm that, due to their potential, theatre and urban cultures can be an alternative and the activism against hegemonic models. It is urgent to resolve the conflicting interests among arts, capital, and politics.


Graziela Ares
Student, Ph.D. Candidate, Centre for Social Studies at University of Coimbra, Porto, Portugal


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


The Arts in Social, Political, and Community Life


Theatre, Arts, Sociology of Culture, Urban Areas, Street Theatre, Subjectivism