Applied Theatre in Egypt: Original Plays about Sexual Harassment


This showcase will present the play MSH ZANBEK (It’s not your Fault), the work of young Egyptian women and men who wrote, directed and performed a site specific, outdoor performance about the issue of sexual harassment in the region from multiple perspectives: family and couple, bystander, victim and perpetrator, male and female, power and incapacity. The play offers five scenes, each dealing with a different aspect of this issue. The performance discusses sexual harassment in Egypt and situates theatre as a way to address the long concealed problem. Performed in Cairo in March 2021 the showcase offers a description of the process and shares videos of the product and conversations with some of the participants.


Jillian Campana
Associate Dean and Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences, Theatre, American University in Cairo, Egypt


Presentation Type

Creative Practice Showcase


The Arts in Social, Political, and Community Life


Applied Theatre, Social Justice, Sexual Harassment, Egypt, Participatory Action Research