Post Post: Knowing Unknowing


With this paper, we expose dialectic relationships with time as context and influence on higher education and movements that shape artists as makers, pedagogues, and theorists. Proliferating from our cross-generational encounters with academies rooted in Post-Modernist and Post-Internet viewpoints, we find convergent and entangled ethics of uncertainty and agency found in the space of contemporary pedagogy. For the purposes of this paper, we focus on post-modern and post-internet preoccupations with truth. What common ethos is required when information acquisition and assimilation changes so dynamically over time? In our increased sensitivity to the influx of rapid-fire information-sharing that now inundates students’ social, creative, and intellectual pursuits, how does theory– specifically post-modernist assertions of “no truth” and post-internet perspectives of truth as endless possibility– transform into tangible, edifying, confident studio experiences? Inspired agency requires a responsive, contextually constructed, and relationally centered curricula that is shared and shaped as it grapples with the objective and subjective nature of “truth”. Creative agency from all actants spark “new” movements contesting prior pedagogical approaches where reliance on the presuming aesthete to define veritable matter for study is challenged. The growing democratization of art turns artists into conversationalists, facilitators, and editors. The new politics of pedagogy plays through tensions between historical roles and contemporary expectations where artists are expected to draw upon multiple and often abstract sources for creative study. In this year of isolated experiences, we reflect on artistic lineage. Out of this comes a negotiation exploring how we come to know and teach things.


Deb Scott
Instructor, Dept of Design, Dept of Art, Ohio State University, Ohio, United States

Margaret Chambers
Assistant Teaching Professor: Foundations Specialist, School of Art, Ball State University, Indiana, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Pedagogies of the Arts


Pedagogy, Agency, Knowing, Post-Modern, Post-Internet