The Good Vandal: Identity and Representation in Graffiti Writing


Fraderick (2009) states that graffiti is, in a way, impossible to define from its formal characteristics, since it is a form of expression that encompasses a lot of different media, meanings, subjects, and techniques. Even if it seems like a vague affirmation, Fraderick’s notation sheds light upon graffiti’s existence as a mode of expression that becomes an ideological and material exercise of belonging. The value of human expressions isn’t truth, but meaning (Boyd and Mitchell, 2012), and as such graffiti constitutes a practice extremely charged with political, individual, social, and cultural value. ‘The Good Vandal: Identity and Representation in Graffiti Writing’ is a multimedia project encompassed in an open source online format that presents the relevance of graffiti through various mediums such as interviews with graffiti writers, podcast, animated videos, and academic essays.


Paula Sarmiento
Design Manager, Socially Engaged Art Salon (SEAS), East Sussex, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Creative Practice Showcase


The Arts in Social, Political, and Community Life


Graffiti, Culture Jamming, Representation, Identity, Hegemony, Deviance, Politics of Space