Clutter During Creation


In education, schools, homes, families, institutions throughout the country and the world, the individual must be tidy, punctual, orderly, work, and disciplined. In my book, I analyze the impact of clutter during creation - and share this topic for discussion. Throughout history, we have been convinced that chance often defines all of humankind’s future, and great discoveries have not always been associated with the amount of work and dedication invested. Children are prone to clutter, scattering, and unrestrained play. Children are not burdened with rules, and their world is open to everyone. Children do not know what is possible and what is not and do not understand our stereotypes and regulations. Keeping a free mind and being unencumbered in your work allows an individual to be fresh, innovative. Institutions strive for obedience and typification of ways of thinking, which often suffocates the inventive mind. A person who is not trapped by stereotypes finds the inspiration and freedom of mind and creation in disorder. In clutter, anything is possible, as in imagination. Before discovery in any area of ​​creativity, a eureka moment and a click occur. Materializations succeed in the idea and vision. The same execution and solution of an idea are often met with prejudice, bureaucracy, and order in the state, taxes, capital, greed, and calculated selfish individuals’ profits.


Goranka Stanić
Profesor, School of Applied Arts and Design , Osijek, Croatia


Presentation Type

Focused Discussion


Pedagogies of the Arts


Clutter, Creation, Imagination, Idea, Materialization