The Magic of Material Handling: Portraiture for Exploration of Identity


Many young adults in the digital age have too few opportunities to learn by handling physical materials. Personal identity can be explored through the magic of material handling. This involves a learning process that engages the senses, empowering participants to discover and wonder about themselves and their place in community. This participatory action led research develops personal and cultural connections through “hands on” art. Through studio portraiture workshops participants have created personal and group connections relating to the society and culture in which they find themselves. The significance of this research is how it repositions art in the current digital “hands free” society. This work emphasises the importance of building an understanding of the socio-cultural benefits of engagement through the sensory experience of material handling in creating art.


Anne Marie Cullinan
Student, Masters, Charles Darwin University, Northern Territory, Australia

Birut Zemits
Associate Dean Research, College of Indigenous Futures, Education and the Arts , Charles Darwin University, Northern Territory, Australia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


Pedagogies of the Arts


Material handling, Personal identity, Sensory, Art creation, Portraiture, Socio-cultural