Seeing with Eyes Closed: Streaming Knowledge Method to Clarify Ideas


How do we see and know reality around us? And, how can we be more objective, and more sensitive to our own assumptions? I will map out the information journey that starts with inner observation and culminates with knowledge. Following the knowledge-gaining process of researchers and artists, I will look at three steps: Inner observation, Elusive Memory, and Thoughts. This process can empower artists researchers in becoming more aware of the steps in which they make decisions, experience self-truth, and communicate it to others in a logical, structured way. I will share a practical method that helps develop self-awareness by simplifying ideas and communicating them in a concise way. The Streaming Knowledge Method uses a simple table, as well as participants’ intuitive knowledge, to help break ideas into relevant key-words, which are then re-defined and expanded to coherent arguments. The workshop will offer an introduction to the method. We will develop key-words, a short paragraph of text and also a simple collage (no artistic skills required). The collage will act as a ‘visual’ reference point to reflect on the text.


Gil Dekel
Associate Lecturer, Open University, United Kingdom


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


Pedagogies of the Arts


Knowledge, Process, Intuition, Wisdom