Exploring a Post-anthropocenic Ecology in the FASTlab Performance Experiment


In the FASTlab Performance Experiment, an interdisciplinary community of artists joined forces to explore the nexus of online art, experimental sound and artist-made technology. In this hybrid spirit, we wove together bespoke handmade electronica, experimental software, and emergent audio-visual phenomena, in performances housed within a online room network that was in resonance with the Post-Anthropocenic materiality of the city of Newcastle, NSW. Following on from Australian-Italian thinker Rosi Braidotti, Post-Anthropocenic thinking proposes that in order to live sustainably on Planet Earth, we must balance human well-being with care for the environment, embracing an inclusive and entangled ecology. As a speculative investigation into human creativity at the axis of online art and experimental media, our network of performance rooms was a participatory meeting place for perspectives that sowed the seeds of a paradigm shift. The FASTlab Performance Experiment involved thirteen artists was a curated element of the Ars Electronica Newcastle Garden, and presented through the Mozilla Hubs platform 9-13 September 2020.


Rewa Wright
Lecturer in Creative Technology, School of Creative Industries, the University of Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


New Media, Technology and the Arts


WebXR, Post-Anthropocene, Technology, Art, Media, Design