Online Inclusion: A Reflective Case Study on Online and Site-based Community Arts Collaborative


This paper addresses a case study in connecting community arts between global sites, students, scholars, and arts practice in a hybrid model of on-site and online engagement. This case study uses the foundation of Culture Mapping and Immersive Experiences as a point of synchronous and asynchronous exploration for online and on-site collaborative global research and learning in art education. It is inclusive of community arts experiences (Powell, 2020) as well as researching local arts practice incorporating health and wellness and heritage memory (Powell, 2017). The paper discloses research, design and implementation as a place of online exchange for global arts research practice and learning through sound walks, social and culture mapping collaborations and creative arts practice. Aveling (2012) states that “we have to learn to conduct research in ways that meet the needs of Indigenous communities [all communities] and are non-exploitative, culturally appropriate and inclusive…” (p. 203). The online exchange format allows for others to engage in culturally immersive experiences (remote and on-site) as a collaborative endeavor while researching and learning where immersion and collaboration create meaningful ways of coming to know and understand global arts communities that researchers and participants are not traditionally a part of in an ethical way (Elliott, D. J., Silverman, M., & Bowman, W. D., 2016). This case study called “The Collabratory,” is supported through Arts-based Research (Blandy, D. & Bolin, P., 2003) and reveals the facets of the project as it relates to creative practice, arts learning, and engagement through collaborative technology.


Heidi Powell
Director, Art and Art History, University of Florida, United States


Presentation Type

Creative Practice Showcase


New Media, Technology and the Arts


Virtual, Technology, Arts-based Research, Arts Practice, Culture, Creative Engagement, Global