Ballet Education for the Web 2.0 Generation: A Case for Using the Web to Teach Elementary and Middle-School Ballet Students


Today’s elementary-school and middle-school aged ballet students were born in the era of Web 2.0. Their everyday lives are significantly engaged with digital technology. Though scholars have addressed related topics, no one has looked at how ballet can be taught to the Web 2.0 generation using twenty-first-century technologies. Recent shifts to online dance classes in light of COVID-19 related dance school closures demonstrate this research would help satisfy a real and present need - developing best practices for Web-based ballet instruction. The purpose of this paper is to help fill that gap in the literature. This author: first, calls for a shift in the pedagogical approach to teaching elementary-school and middle-school aged students ballet; next, suggests incorporating student-generated Time-lapse, Tutorial, Fan Review and Commentary, and Reaction YouTube videos; then, argues that a cross-pollinated approach could help teachers develop specific skills, while also extending existing research on twenty-first-century technology as relates to cultural identity, pedagogical approaches in arts education, and other pedagogical approaches.


Alejandra Iannone
Creative Director, Sparkle Theatricals, Minnesota, United States


Presentation Type

Paper Presentation in a Themed Session


New Media, Technology and the Arts


Ballet, YouTube, Time-Lapse, Tutorial, Fan Review, Commentary, Reaction, Web, Children