Writing Children's Books for a Global Audience: International Publishing Appeal


Books for children are mirrors, windows, and doors. Award winning international author, Michelle Worthington, from Brisbane, Australia, provides research on the international market forces that impact a manuscript’s global attractiveness and the importance of having a universal mindset, not just for the author, but for the reader. Michelle shares her insights into how global publishing companies span the worldwide market and the changing face of the book industry. Strategies examined include how authors can educate and empower themselves as they move from a local to international and eventually a global brand. Writing children’s books for a global audience can foster a love of reading all over the world, regardless of race, religion, location, or economic position. All children should have access to a book that could change their lives and change the world. This workshop offers aspiring children’s fiction authors with practical strategies to stay current in a global publishing industry.


Michelle Worthington
Director, Brisbane, Australia, Australia


Presentation Type

Workshop Presentation


2021 Special Focus - Voices from the Edge: Negotiating the Local in the Global


Children, Fiction, Storytelling, Global, Themes, Writing, Aspiring, Authors, International, Audience