Academic Community Engagement in the Arts: Combining Community Engagement in the Arts with Academic Instruction


The Arts in Higher Education have a unique opportunity to support local communities. Studies have shown that people who feel they have easy access to the arts report a higher degree of community satisfaction and quality of life. There is a real need to promote academic community engagement in the arts. Artists are often thought of as solitary artisans, working to master their chosen discipline. Many student artists are not aware of the opportunities available to share their talents in a meaningful way with their local community. Compared to other disciples, avenues for academic community engaged projects may not be as obvious to fine arts instructors. However, these projects are valuable to both students and the community. This session will examine academic community engagement in dance, theater, music, and visual art. We will examine the research on positive association between community attachment and community capacity for the arts. Unique and creative examples of successful projects in fine arts academic community engagement will be presented. Examples will emphasize unexpected forms of engagement. Presentation attendees will leave this session with a greater understanding of the benefits of fine art students sharing their talents with the community. They will better understand how access to fine art creates happier, healthier communities. Participants will be encouraged to brainstorm ways their students can share their talents with the community.


Chuck Drumm
Professor, Department of Art, Sam Houston State University, Texas, United States


Presentation Type

Creative Practice Showcase


Pedagogies of the Arts


Arts Education, Community Engagement, Higher Education