Instagram Painting: The Use of Everyday Technology to Paint and Communicate


This online poster is an investigation into the role of social media imagery, with specific reference to Instagram and communication channels between artists in various locations. As a visual artist, I have been conducting a series of ongoing Instagram projects, including one titled, “The Continual Instagram Project,” which presents an image of a painting that has been over painted sixty-nine times and presented only as an Instagram image, never to be seen in actuality. The other project is titled, “Hard Rubbish #2,” which is ongoing and presents two decades of studio painted images in the context of the notion of art being Hard Rubbish Instagram posts. I am particularly interested in how contemporary painters may use everyday technology as a forum for presenting images seen only through Instagram technology.


Phil Edwards
Lecture, SOA, RMIT , Victoria, Australia


Presentation Type

Poster Session


New Media, Technology and the Arts


Instagram, Painting, Technology, Everyday