The Impact of Green HR Practices on Socially Responsible HRM

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  • Title: The Impact of Green HR Practices on Socially Responsible HRM: An Empirical Study from HR Practitioners
  • Author(s): Safaa Shaaban
  • Publisher: Common Ground Research Networks
  • Collection: On Sustainability
  • Journal Title: The International Journal of Sustainability Policy and Practice
  • Keywords: Recruitment and Selection, Training and Development, Reward, SRHRM- Socially Responsible Human Resource Management
  • Volume: 20
  • Issue: 1
  • Date: April 02, 2024
  • ISSN: 2325-1166 (Print)
  • ISSN: 2325-1182 (Online)
  • DOI:
  • Citation: Shaaban, Safaa. 2024. "The Impact of Green HR Practices on Socially Responsible HRM: An Empirical Study from HR Practitioners ." The International Journal of Sustainability Policy and Practice 20 (1): 53-72. doi:10.18848/2325-1166/CGP/v20i01/53-72.
  • Extent: 20 pages

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The aim of this study was to add to the expanding academic discussion on what is known as “socially responsible human resource management” (SR-HRM) and how it is affected by three dimensions of HR: recruitment and selection, training and development, and reward. A mixed method was applied in this study, including both qualitative and quantitative methods. The qualitative approach included twenty individual interviews focused on groups from different industries in Egypt, including aviation and electric applications, mainly employees in touch with strategy, CSR, and ISO. The second approach was cross-sectional, and a quantitative approach was applied, including a quantitative survey distributed to 200 employees of 10 Egyptian casting companies. The study concluded that green human resource practices, green recruitment and selection, green training and development, and green rewards helped implement SR-HRM effectively. Furthermore, when HRM strategy considers the concept of SR-HRM, it provides a clear direction for implementing Green HRM. Green HRM and SR-HRM post promotion to ISO accreditation. This study is unique in presenting the concept of Green HRM practices and their embedding in SR-HRM as a new concept in the literature. Although these two concepts, SR-HRM and Green HRM, have been covered, in the existing literature, there is insufficient coverage and analysis of these topics.