Success from Failures


Views: 393

  • Title: Success from Failures: Learning to Overcome
  • Author(s): Noor Khan
  • Publisher: Scholar Open
  • Collection: Learning Design and Leadership Modules
  • Series: English Language
  • Keywords: curiosity, failures, goals, grit, institutional racism, non-cognitive skills, obstacles, passion, perseverance, resilience, soft skills, success, systematic discrimination
  • Date: August 10, 2020

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The leaning module introduces students to non-cognitive skills known as soft skills. Students question how failure can help them succeed. Through the experiences of others, students examine what qualities successful people share. For their final project, students pick a famous individual who has overcome obstacles. They examine the obstacles and the traits they have that helped lead them to success. The concluding lesson examines institutional discrimination and its impact on historically marginalized people. Students learn that systemic issues of inequality and not personal traits can cause a person not to succeed.