Perceived Effects of Climate Change on Local Knowledge of Sma ...

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Although local knowledge of climatic conditions has been useful for the planning and execution of farming activities by small-scale farmers, the adverse effects of the changing climatic conditions on this local knowledge cannot be underestimated. Using both qualitative and quantitative research approaches, this article investigates the perception of climate change and its effects on local knowledge of small-scale farmers among the Kusasi ethnic group in the Upper East Region of Ghana. The research found that climate change, locally referred to as Tinglebgr, manifests in various forms, including variability of rainfall, increased temperature and strong winds with frequent effects including distortion of the seasonal calendar, the failure and extinction of traditional crop varieties, and failure of some local climatic indicators hitherto used to predict weather patterns. The study suggests more integrative approaches to help sensitize and integrate perception with scientific knowledge for decision-making on climate change.