Mapping Adult and Continuing Education in Cyprus

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This article is a cartography of the adult and continuing education system in Cyprus, reflecting the panorama of initiatives developed in the past five years primarily by government agencies, in an attempt to highlight key challenges for the future in the context of an European area of lifelong learning. It is based on findings from a survey conducted in 2013 that explored issues regarding educational institutions offering adult education and continuing vocational training, provision of adult education, participation of adult learners in educational activities, and the professional profile of adult educators. This article, by offering an orientation into the system of adult education and training in Cyprus, seeks to identify areas of improvement, key challenges for the future, and provide the basis for further systematic research in the area. In doing this, it takes into account current international comparative research on typologies of adult education systems and their impact on provision and participation. The examination of the case of Cyprus highlights the interconnectedness of adult and continuing education with historical, cultural, and socio-political aspects and the influence of the public policy framework on provision and participation in adult education.