La convergencia (mediática y creativa) en la educación

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Education 2.0 is the education based on “collaboration” and “interaction” where the pupil plays the main role in his/her own learning and where the teacher is the mediator respect to knowledge, who (the teacher) motivates and guides his pupils towards self-teaching. “We can differentiate several aspects constituting it. On the one hand, we have those attitudes that characterize cooperation in the Knowledge Society. On the other hand, the abilities or skills that the students have to develop at a personal level and, finally, the competences they have to acquire in order to manage on their own in the Knowledge Society, which is digital.” (de Haro, 2012, p: 29). In this article, the definition of the three concepts (convergence, media convergence and creative convergence) is exposed, being embraced on what we can call convergence of the media. Finally, an analysis will be done showing an overview about the educative regulations, sticking to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and the digital competence. It will be spoken about how Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are and how the digital competence is in the state regulations (such as LOGSE -though it has been abolished, it can show us where to go-, LOE and Royal Decrees) or in regulations at the level of the autonomic communities.